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regenerative research

ReLI conducts cutting-edge research to support effective local to global shifts toward regeneration.

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Research focuses on regenerative development and design processes and outcomes as well as regenerative living elements at a variety of scales and in a variety of settings and cultures including individuals, sites, urban and rural ecovillages, urban and rural neighborhoods and communities, landscapes, watersheds, cities, and regions. Processes and outcomes include ecological, social, cultural, and consciousness/spiritual dimensions. As such, research is social and natural, qualitative and quantitative. It includes processes, technologies, strategies, and outcomes in projects, living and learning centers, programs, and collaborative endeavors.

Examples of research include:

  • identifying the role of context and scale in regenerative development processes and outcomes

  • how different processes influence outcomes

  • how culture influences process and outcome

  • to what extent regenerative development processes create healthy living systems

  • the role of inhabitants’ education level in successful regenerative development projects

  • how regenerative development processes can be adapted in different cultures and different demographic realities

  • to what extent different regenerative development and design strategies and techniques contribute to healthy communities

  • to what extent regenerative development processes shift inhabitants’ worldviews and consciousness

  • to what extent and in what ways regenerative development processes develop regenerative capacities in communities

  • how regenerative lifestyle practices affect people’s worldviews and behaviors

  • how holistic health and healing practices affect people

  • the role of spiritual development in regenerative living; the most potent transformational leverage points in systems

  • practices that increase nature-connectedness

  • practices that contribute to a regenerative consciousness

  • most effective regenerative education pedagogies


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